
During the 2019-2020 academic year, the School of Communication’s Global Engagement Taskforce (GET) collected information about activities at the SoC with a global focus, defining those activities as having an international, transnational and/or translocal focus. In discussing this information with the school’s globally engaged faculty in fall 2020, there was a clear consensus that the school’s significant global work had not been sufficiently aggregated or showcased to internal and external audiences in a systematic way. This website thus responds to two needs identified over a 12-month visioning process: to form a collective identity among globally engaged faculty at the school and to effectively showcase, convene and catalyze the global activities of faculty, students and alumni.

Mission and Goals

Our mission is to recognize and enhance global engagement at the School of Communication as a significant component of the School’s identity in the world. To do this, we strengthen five dimensions of the school’s global work:

  1. Faculty research, creative activities and professional practice
  2. Community-based research and engaged pedagogy
  3. Teaching and learning 
  4. Our organizational culture
  5. Our global presence and external networks 
